Monday, September 28, 2009

With God

Always say:

I am happy because God is with me.

Where I am, there He is;

What I do, He sees;

How i feel, He knows.

Truly, With God Life is wonderful!

In times of failure or frustration

No matter what has been taken away from you,
no matter what you've lost or experienced in the past,
if you give it over to God,
He will return to you more than you could
ask or imagine.

He'll make things right and give you
more than what was lost or stolen.

So, give it all to God and see the result. :)

>>Nice message. I do always read this message whenever i encounter failure and feel frustrated. It does enlighten me and help me increase my faith to God.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Heart over Mind

Follow your heart.
It may not always be right, but despite the pain
You will have memories that will
make you


Happy Birthday

I fell God's Love for me in people like You.
So, on wings of prayers
I whisper my Thanks to Him
and ask Him to bless You in countless ways
in this special day of Yours.

Happy Birthday to you!

>>I received this message from a friend on my birthday last July 14, 2009. Thank You friend. I wanted also to share this to you.